Rigasa made easy
Hello there, I just discovered an easy way to get to Rigasa from Barnawa. If you are like me whose second home is Abuja, you know the safest way to…
Hello there, I just discovered an easy way to get to Rigasa from Barnawa. If you are like me whose second home is Abuja, you know the safest way to…
The price may seem high, but if you have the money, first class can be worth it. Ultimately, first class will get you to the same destination in the same amount of time as economy. Or is…
Over the weekend, I took the Abuja - Kaduna train from Idu Station to Rigasa, Kaduna and I documented the entire trip with the hope this gives you a guide…
If you live in Kaduna, you can pretty much tell that trips to Abuja are a norm for folks in the city. We don't have the data but we do…