Kaduna’s twitter space can be difficult to navigate but if you really want to find out about the going ons and want to be a part of the conversations, you should certainly follow these handles. Due to the fact that Kaduna is a politically heated state, conversations take that tone.
Whether you like him or not, you should follow the handle of the number one Kaduna resident. He has his official account and his personal account both tweeting pretty much the same thing. Mostly political, his tweets will give you information about what the government is doing and if you have complaints about project execution or just the state of affairs in and around your area he has been known to interact with users and have immediate action taken.
Sanusi is a tech consultant and also the founder of CoLab Tech Innovation Hub so his tweets are mostly tech-related. If you really want to have an idea of what is happening in Kaduna’s growing tech space or are generally interested in technology, you should follow him. You’ll find him also “tweeting sense” to us.
Popularly known as the ‘Super Commissioner’, the commissioner of Budget and Planning has a very active Twitter account. You should expect to find tweets and retweets about Kaduna’s finances, events and even businesses. He has a strong following and has been known for retweeting businesses in Kaduna which can give much needed exposure if you need that.
Though she has her official account, her personal account basically shares opinions and thoughts of happenings in Kaduna and around. Also expect to see a lot of retweets of government activities.
Mira’s account is one that is very mixed. Mostly tweeting about her company TomatoJos, she is one of the few farmers in Kaduna that I know of who actively shares about the progress on her farm. Considering that she is an expat, you may find amusing some of her experiences she shares.
Thaddeus moved to Kaduna about 3 years ago and has been involved in a few activities in the city. Just like us, there’s also very little that goes by him. Follow him for humour and helpful information.
Some of you reading this found this article via our Twitter handle. Well, there’s not so much that happens in Kaduna that gets by us and if you want to be in the loop, you should be following us.
Though currently in Kano, Sir Deeda’s account is one that cuts across all spheres. From sports, tech, entertainment, banter down to politics, you’ll mostly have an idea of what is going on in Kaduna. He gets involved in a lot of activities happening in Kaduna and often seems to have inside information.
If you’re interested in technology (and we all should), you should be following this account. The people here are doing amazing things and often share information of general happenings and all their events. The events are mostly free and worth a lot in terms of knowledge gained.
An entrepreneurship and technology-inclined community, Startup Kaduna tweets a lot around its main focus. You find events happening in Kaduna ranging from book discussions, art exhibitions and networking dinners.
If you think we missed any handles, let us know.